Thursday, March 11, 2010

Continuing the Story

In January of this year, my husband and I decided we could finally start TTC. I had been tracking my cycles for the past several months and had a general idea of when I ovulated. In January I peed on about a million of those ovulation sticks and finally stared down the crosshairs of a positive ovulation test. Miraculously, we were successful on our very first try, and I had a positive pregnancy test in February.

My husband and I were completely overjoyed. Based on my history of ovarian cysts, we never dreamed we would be successful right away. We had originally figured it would take at least 6 months. Also, while I'm not over 35 (which seems to be the magical age for trouble to start) I am 31, so not exactly a spring chicken.

I've always heard that you should not tell anyone you're pregnant till you're out of your first trimester, but this is much harder than you would think! My birthday was in March, and everyone pretty much figured it out when they saw me without a glass of wine in my hand. Most of our close friends knew we were trying, so it wasn't really much of a mystery. I'm not the best liar, so a lot of people knew about the pregnancy before I was even 6 weeks along.

Before I even had the first positive test (and I took a lot of them!) I had multiple pregnancy symptoms. Sore breasts, mood swings, irritability, crazy dreams, and cravings were all on the menu. At my weirdest, I was buying ice cream drumsticks, cutting the ice cream off the top and just eating the cone. Odd, I know, but it was what I wanted.

At 6 weeks and 1 day, I was scheduled for my first ultrasound. My husband and I both went, excited to possibly see the heartbeat. As I lay on the table, I heard the words from the doctor that would change everything, "I don't see anything".

I had an amniotic sac but nothing could be seen inside it. My doctor sought to reassure me by saying that I was probably 5 weeks along instead of 6, but I knew he was wrong. I had everything meticulously recorded on a calendar at home, including the actual day I had implantation spotting. I knew I was 6 weeks, and that we should have been seeing something.

I was sent to the lab for bloodwork and told we wouldn't get results until Monday (it was a Friday). The weekend was an agonizing wait. My husband and 2 best friends tried to reassure me that the doctor didn't seem worried but I was sure that something was wrong.

Early Monday morning I got up and got ready for work. I missed a call from my doctor's office and called them while on the way to work. After being on hold for 10 minutes, I finally got to talk to someone as I was setting my stuff down on my desk. In a very dispassionate voice, the nurse informed my that my progesterone level was way too low, and that this was consistent with miscarriage.

I rushed to the doctor's office, crying the whole way, for my second set of bloodwork. If my progesterone and beta levels were low or had dropped, it would be a pretty clear indicator that I had miscarried. I think I spent the whole day crying and mourning what I was sure had already happened. Late Monday night, I began spotting and cramping.

Tuesday morning came and went with no notice from the doctor's office. I finally called a little before noon, basically begging for someone to talk to me. By this time I was bleeding in earnest. I knew things were over but was still holding on to the tiniest hope that they might tell me things were okay.

Unfortunately things were not okay. My levels had dropped and the cramping and bleeding bascially indicated that my body had begun to miscarry my baby on it's own. At the doctor's office on Wednesday, the doctor informed me that something must have been wrong and that it wasn't my fault. I probably wouldn't have to do a D&C but would continue to bleed for 2 weeks or so.

This brings us up to today, Thursday. I basically don't know what to do with myself. I'm pretty much taking things one minute at a time, because anything else makes me want to lose my mind. Strong words for a therapist, I know! Against all better instincts, I worked yesterday and today. I could have stayed home but I thought work my distract me. To some extent it has but I have the next three days off so we'll see.


Aimee said...

Hi. I don't know if you remember me or not from stlwed; it's been a while.

I just want to say I am so sorry. I had 2 similar experiences (5 weeks in October and 5.5 weeks in December). We found out my progesterone level was low on the 2nd one (after I had switched doctors; not impressed with how the first one handled things.) I am now taking progesterone to see if it helps. If you ever want to talk or vent, feel free to send me an email (harpie1980 @ yahoo) or pm me on stlwed. I will keep you and my husband in my thoughts and prayers!

Lynn said...

Kristen I'm so sorry! I'll be thinking about you & Bob. I know we haven't talked in awhile, but please let me know if there's anything we can do!

Maria said...

I am so sorry for your loss. :(

The Pink Cupcake said...

Aimee - yes, I do remember you from stlwed. Thank you for the kind thoughts. It does help to hear other people's stories, if only to feel not so alone.
Lynn & Maria - I appreciate the comments, they definitely don't go unnoticed, even if it takes me a while to respond

Aimee said...

Kristen - if I remember correctly, you live out west, right? There's a support group I went to out here once. Let me know if you're interested in any information. You can email me at