Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cupcake Bites

I realized the other day that I haven't really posted any cupcake-relate recipes. So when I found this recipe on Bakerella's blog, I couldn't resist. These fulfill my crazy predilection for tiny things very well, plus they're REALLY good. I'll refer you to Bakerella's blog for the recipe, but here's a few pics of the cupcake bite-making.


Are those not the cutest effing things you've ever seen? I searched for mini M&M's to put on top like little cherries but alas, the local Schnuck's apparently does not carry them. I looked through so many check-out candy displays that the checker became concerned and came over to help me. Oh well....the little candies on top still work. I'm having a little fourth of July shindig next weekend and these babies will definitely reappear for the event. This time I think I'm using strawberry cake for the middles. Or maybe cherry chip? Call me a wild woman.


Amanda, Mandy, Manda, Tomato said...

Those look yummy! Did you check the baking aisle? I remember seeing bags of them with the chocolate chips before.

The Pink Cupcake said...

I'll check there next time. I think I might have looked but I was shopping at around midnight so who knows!

Sharon said...

Thanks for the tip. Your cupcake bites are perfect!