Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aahhh, the luxury of a day off...

I'm using my stolen time to finally make the leap and change my last name. My last name is a short one that tends to be complicated for people to prounounce. I'll never understand how so many people mangle my last name. Seriously folks, it's completely phonetic and only one syllable. How hard can it be? Well, now I'm moving on to one of the most common last names in the world. I won't share, just in case one of my readers happens to have sociopathic stalker tendencies, but suffice it to say that it's in the league with Smith and Jones. I'm definitely sad to leave my last name behind though. It does feel like I'm giving up a part of me. But the other part of me is definitely too lazy for a hyphenated last name. Bah, too much work, and much too long of a signature!

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