Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Return....and A Departure

I haven't written on this blog in a really long time. Truthfully, I haven't needed it or really had the time. I've looked at my previous posts and they're all pretty light and fluffy. I think perhaps I was writing for others, instead of writing for myself. Lately I've felt the need to begin writing for myself. Some things have happened to me recently and I'm struggling to work through them. So while I love comments and appreciate people reading my blog, I'm going to start writing about things that might be hard to read. My apologies if this offends or bothers anyone, but I really need this outlet, and I plan on utilizing it quite a bit in the coming days.

About a year ago my husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. We were so excited...I started prenatal vitamins and began planning all the things we would do. I stopped taking birth control pills and was introduced to the wild emotional tango that is Pill-free life. Before we could really even TTC, my husband got some bad news. His company was being shut down, effective in just a few short months.
Obviously this put the brakes on all our plans. We had waited for a long time while we were both in school, what was just a little more time? Well, a little more time turned out to be 10 months. My husband finally found a new job and started in February of this year. In anticipation of the new job, we decided to go ahead and start TTC in January.

I'm going to stop here for tonight. I plan on wrapping up the rest of the story tomorrow, but I might have to do this in small doses for a while, until I get used to writing about such personal things.

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