Friday, February 29, 2008

Yahoo for Me!

It's my birthday tomorrow. I'm hoping to break the streak of bad birthdays this year. Previous birthdays have included such fun events as deaths in the family and open heart surgery, plus multiple other problems. Seriously I think my b-day is cursed. So......I'm planning a low-key birthday this year. A big fat cheeseburger and a night at the bowling alley. We're classing it up this year, fellas.
The thing that really excites me about the bowling alley? You guessed it, tiny bottles of wine. My unexplainable love for all things tiny leads to great excitement at the bowling alley bar. And of course bowling alley wine is of the utmost quality (hear that? That's called sarcasm). Unlike the other beauty that I will be opening early tomorrow, which I have saved since December just for this occasion:
Aaahhh, a beautiful white merlot. Who wants to take bets on my bowling ability after drinking this in conjunction with bowling alley wine?

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